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Demo Server Setup

In case you just want to play around with BCO without actual smart home devices being involved, you can setup a demo server.

sudo docker run \
--name bco-demo \
--network=bco-net \
--publish 13781:13781 \
--volume /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
--volume /etc/timezone:/etc/timezone:ro \
--env BCO_OPTIONS='--db /tmp/bco/db --simulate --host mqtt-broker' \
--detach \
--restart=always \
--log-driver=local \
--tty \

Be aware that the demo server does not persist any data, which means all configuration changes are discarded after a service restart.

Remove the following line to disable hardware simulation: --env BCO_OPTIONS='--db /tmp/bco/db --simulate' \